ORCID: binding the (academic) galaxy together
Adapted from picture by flickr user Jim & Rachel McArthur
I am a supporter of ORCID's goals to help establish unique identifiers for researchers. Such identifiers can then be used to help connect a researcher with all of their inputs and outputs that surround their career. Most fundamentally, these inputs and outputs are grants and papers, but there is the potential for ORCID identifiers to link a person to much more, e.g. the organisations that they work for, manuscript reviews, code repositories, published slides, even blog posts.
For ORCID to succeed it has to be global and connect all parts of the academic network, a network that spans national boundaries. On this point, I am very impressed by the effort that ORCID makes in ensuring that their excellent outreach materials are not only available in English. As shown below, ORCID's 'Distinguish yourself' flyer is available in 9 different languages. Other material is also available in Russian, Greek, Turkish, and Danish. If your desired language is not available, they welcome volunteers to help translate their message into more languages. Email community@orcid.org if you want to help.