diArk – the database for eukaryotic genome and transcriptome assemblies in 2014

A new paper in Nucleic Acids Research describes a database that I was not aware of. The abstract features an eye-catching, not to mention ambitious, claim (the emphasis is mine):

The database…has been developed with the aim to provide access to all available assembled genomes and transcriptomes.

The diArk database currently features data on 2,771 species. There are many options to filter your search queries including filtering by 'sequencing type' and by the status of completion. So when I search for 'completed' genome sequencing projects, it reports that there 3,626 projects corresponding to 1,848 species. The FAQ has this to say regarding 'completeness':

The term completeness is intended to describe the coverage of the genome and the chance to find all homologs of the gene of interest.

I was a bit put off by the interface to this database. As far as I can tell, diArk is mostly containing links to other resources (rather than hosting any sequence information). There are lots of very small icons everywhere which are hard to understand (unless you mouse over each icon). When I went to the page for Caenorhabditis elegans, I was struck by the confusing nature of just posting links to every C. elegans resource on the web. There are 12 'Project' links listed. Which one gives you access to the latest version of the genome sequence?

diArk summary of Caenorhabditis elegans data

diArk summary of Caenorhabditis elegans data

As a final comment, I noticed that the latest entry on the diArk news page is from September 2011 which is a bit worrying (nothing newsworthy has happened in the last 3 years?).