The Assemblathon Gives Back (a bit like The Empire Strikes Back, but with fewer lightsabers)

So we won an award for Open Data. Aside from a nice-looking slab of glass that is weighty enough to hold down all of the papers that someone with a low K-index has published, the award also comes with a cash prize.

Naturally, my first instinct was to find the nearest sculptor and request that they chisel a 20 foot recreation of my brain out of Swedish green marble. However, this prize has been — somewhat annoyingly — awarded to all of the Assemblathon 2 co-authors.

While we could split the cash prize 92 ways, this would probably only leave us with enough money to buy a packet of pork scratchings each (which is not such a bad thing if you are fan of salty, fatty, porcine goodness).

Instead we decided — and by 'we', I'm really talking about 'me' — to give that money back to the community. Not literally of course…though the idea of throwing a wad of cash into the air at an ISMB meeting is appealing.

Rather, we have worked with the fine folks at BioMed Central (that's BMC to those of us in the know), to pay for two waivers that will cover the cost of Article Processing Charges (that's APCs to those of us in the know). We decided that these will be awarded to papers in a few select categories relating to 'omics' assembly, Assemblathon-like contests, and things to do with 'Open Data' (sadly, papers that relate to 'pork scratchings' are not eligible).

We are calling this event the Assemblathon 'Publish For Free' Contest (that's APFFC to those of us in the know), and you can read all of the boring details and contest rules on the Assemblathon website.