ACGT: a new home for my science-related blog posts
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Over the last year I've increasingly found myself blogging about science — and about genomics and bioinformatics in particular — on my main website ( Increasingly this has led to a very disjointed blog portfolio: posts about my disdain for contrived bioinformatics acronyms would sit aside pictures of my bacon extravaganza.
No longer will this be the case. ACGT will the new home for all of my scientific contemplations. So what is ACGT all about? Maybe you are wondering Are Completed Genomes True? or maybe you are just on the lookout to see someone Assessing Computational Genomics Tools. If so, then ACGT may be a home for such things (as well as Arbitrary, Contrived, Genome Tittle-Tattle perhaps).
I've imported all of the relevant posts from my main blog (I'll leave the originals in place for now), and hopefully all of the links work. Please let me know if this is not the case. Now that I have a new home for my scientific musings — particularly those relating to bioinformatics — I hope this will encourage me to write more. See you around!
Keith Bradnam